Due to planned maintenance, all Colorado MV Express kiosks will be out of service from 4 to 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 23. 


License Plates

License Plate Frequently Asked Questions

First-Time Vehicle Registration:
Customers who recently purchased a vehicle through a Colorado dealership and have received the “title complete notice” postcard in the mail from their county, can complete their first-time vehicle registration online through myDMV in the Vehicle Services tab. If you purchased your vehicle in a private sale from a third party, you will need to visit your county motor vehicle office

Replace License Plates:
Customers who would like to replace their current license plate, to include a personalized plate, can do so through the “Replace license plate” option through myDMV in the Vehicle Services tab.

Please note: not all plates are available online and some may have to be ordered through the owner’s county motor vehicle office; especially those that require physical documentation. 

If replacing a Group Special License Plate, because it was damaged, faded, or stolen; it will be necessary for you to contact the non-profit associated with your plate and make another donation to obtain a new certificate or PIN. The non-profit organization can be found on the Group Special License Plates page, in the specific plate, in that plate’s “Requirements” section.

Payment options include credit card and check for most counties. Payment service fees do apply; you will be able to see the amount in the Payment Section under the “Transaction Summary” on the right side of the screen.

Dealer registered plates:
If you registered your vehicle through a dealer,  your plates will be mailed to you via USPS; it can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks for them to be delivered. You can request a secondary temporary permit from the dealer (or your county) if necessary.

Once ordered online, or through the county, license plates are generally printed and mailed 3 business days after payment is received. Once mailed through USPS, it can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks for them to be delivered.

If your temporary tag will expire prior to the mailing time frame, you can visit your county motor vehicle office as they will have regular green & white license plates in inventory. If you wish to order a different license plate, you can also get another temporary permit from the county if your current one is expiring and your plates have yet to arrive. Check with your county directly to see if they are appointment-only, or allow walk-in traffic.

Unfortunately, USPS does not provide tracking information on license plates.

Some plates require physical documentation (like military plates) that must be submitted to the county motor vehicle office for review of eligibility. Additionally, some charities of the Group Special License Plates require that a physical certificate (instead of a pin number) be turned into the county. 

Personalized plates can be ordered online through myDMV in the Vehicle Services tab and the “Replace license plates” option. Personalized plates can also be ordered at the county motor vehicle office for plates not eligible to be ordered online, that allow for personalization. 

Please be advised, not all plates can be personalized and personalized plates are subject to review and may not be approved.  You will need to list a minimum of 2, and not more than 6, choices for your personalized plate. Additionally, issued personalized plates where the Department receives 3 customer complaints as offensive will be revoked. 

Please note that personalized plates carry a one-time personalization fee of $60 upon their initial registration and are an additional $25 upon renewal each year after.

Senate Bill 21-069 License Plate Expiration on Change of Ownership, updated Colorado Revised Statute to state that the license plates of a motor vehicle (Class C) expire upon the transfer of the owner’s title or interest in the motor vehicle, unless the vehicle has a personalized license plate or plate with a valuable registration number that has been reserved for use under the “Laura Hershey Disability Support Act” (LHDSA).  If an owner wishes to continue to use the same configuration of the expired license plate, the owner can request the configuration by applying for personalized license plates. Please note that personalized plates carry a one-time personalization fee of $60 upon their initial registration and are an additional $25 upon renewal each year after.

Print-On-Demand (POD) eliminates the need for customers to visit the motor vehicle office multiple times, for certain types of license plates. It also provides Colorado Counties with an efficient and effective way to manage low issuance license plate inventory, while making plates readily available to the customer.

The Division of Motor Vehicles in conjunction with Colorado County Clerks, Governor's Office of Information Technology and Colorado Correctional Industries worked together to create the Print-On-Demand program. This program creates a process where lower issuance plates are mailed to the customer, and eliminates the need for multiple visits to the motor vehicle office.

In an effort to make plates readily available and ease inventory levels at counties throughout Colorado, the Division of Motor Vehicles worked closely with Colorado County Clerks to create the Print-On-Demand program where applicants for low issuance plates can obtain the plate with one visit to a Motor Vehicle Office. This plate is then mailed to the applicant within five business days. 

All Colorado license plates are printed by Colorado Correctional Industries. POD plates are printed and mailed to constituents upon completion of registration transaction.

Please contact the Vehicle Services Section at 303-205-5608 with any questions.

No, Colorado law does not allow for the provision of sample plates for sale.

You may choose to use the license plate on other vehicles, return them to your county DMV or recycle them with a recycling service that will take metal.

Yes, you would need to re-qualify in Colorado. The requirements of this type of plate are different in each state. Colorado statutes require the applicant to provide verification from the Veteran's Administration that they meet one of the following requirements:

  • Permanent disability, service connected, rated at 50% or more,
  • Loss or permanent loss of use of one or both feet,
  • Loss or permanent loss of use of one or both hands,
  • Loss of sight in both eyes, and
  • physical impairment verified in writing by a physician licensed to practice medicine in Colorado.


  • Please find Form DR 2219 here,
  • A written verification of the applicant's mobility restrictions which must be confirmed by one of the following individuals:
    • Colorado physician (must be licensed to practice medicine in this state).
    • The Director of the Division of Rehabilitation.
    • Commissioned Medical Officers of the U. S. Armed Forces, the U.S. Public Health Service and/or the U.S. Veterans Administration.

Unfortunately, no. The spouse of the veteran must obtain regular license plates and pay all appropriate fees at their county motor vehicle office.

Refunds are issued at the discretion of each county clerk and recorder. The Colorado Motor Vehicle Statutes and the State Division of Motor Vehicles DO NOT establish refund procedures.

Please visit your county motor vehicle office once the title complete notice has been received, or with the certificate of title for the vehicle.

An original plate shall meet the following criteria in order to qualify for use of the plate:

  • The plates were made at least thirty years prior to registration,
  • The plates are embossed with the year of original issue,
  • The plates are legible,
  • The plates were issued contemporaneously with the year of manufacture of the vehicle upon which they are displayed and,
  • The plates do not exceed seven characters.

Your vehicle must have been manufactured at least thirty years prior to registration. It will first be required to have a regular registration issued, such as a Horseless Carriage, Collector, or Street Rod series license plate. The vehicle must be insured. The applicant must sign and date the declaration statement in form DR 2818. Also, please submit a photocopy of the license plate when applying.

You must submit an application for approval. If approved, you will receive a notification for payment. Upon receipt of payment your plate will be placed on order to be made. Generally, it takes 6 to 8 weeks for plates to be sent to your county motor vehicle office. Your county office will in turn notify you by mail upon receipt of your plate.

If your choice(s) are rejected you will receive a notice stating the reason(s) why.

Download and complete the DR2283 Form: Lost or Stolen License Plate/Permit Affidavit form and bring it to your county motor vehicle office.