Due to planned maintenance, all Colorado MV Express kiosks will be out of service from 4 to 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 23. 


Titles - FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What county do I reside in?

You can use the Sales Tax Lookup website to find the county in which you reside.

Where can I locate the counties' web sites?
See the County Motor Vehicles Offices page and select the appropriate county.
I am new to Colorado. What do I need to register and title my vehicle?

Please see the Out-Of-State Titles page for the required documentation.

I purchased a vehicle without a title, how do I get the title in my name?

If you purchased a vehicle without a title you will need to bond for the title to be in your name. Please see the DR 2922 Title or Salvage Title Established by Surety Bond for a list of instructions/requirements. Additional forms listed may be found on the Forms in Number Order page. This transaction would be completed with your county motor vehicle office.

How can I transfer a title from a deceased owner?

You will need Letters of Testamentary or Administration or Small Estates showing who can sign for the vehicle, plus a death certificate. This individual could then sign the title as owner. 

If it is in Joint tenancy with rights of survivorship (vehicle owned by 2 people) then the surviving owner could sign with a copy of the death certificate.

If there are 2 owners and one is deceased and the other has a Power of Attorney, the Letters of Testamentary or Administration or Small Estates would be needed for the deceased owner and the Power of Attorney would be needed for the other owner to show who can sign the title.

Can I transfer an Out-of-State Title if there's a lien on the vehicle?

Please be advised that if the vehicle has a lien on it and you wish to title the vehicle in Colorado, then the lien information must be brought over to Colorado, and the security agreement would be submitted to the county motor vehicle office.

Can a minor have a car titled in their name if they don't have a Driver License?

There is not an age requirement for titling a vehicle, but a requirement for titling a vehicle is to have a Secure and Verifiable ID (DR 2841) (SVID). If they do not have a Driver’s License another SVID option would need to be met.

Can I request a copy of my Bill of Sale submitted with an application for title?

If you are the owner of record, you can request a title search with the DR 2489A Motor Vehicle Requestor Release Affidavit of Intended Use form or do the search through myDMV. All documents that were surrendered for the title are included in this search. If a Bill of Sale was submitted, it would be included.

How can I add or remove a name from a title?
  • If you wish to add a name to a title, the current owner(s) will need to sign off on the back of the title as the owner; you would then list the current owner(s) as the buyer again along with the new person you wish to add to the title. If this is due to a marriage, you will want to bring a copy of the marriage certificate if the name will also be changing.
  • If you wish to remove a name from a title, you will either need to have all current owners sign off on the title as sellers, then list whomever should remain on the title as the buyer.  If one of the current owners will not sign the title over, but there are court orders stating whom the vehicle should be titled to, those will also be acceptable.  If a name change has occurred due to divorce, you will want to bring a copy of the divorce decree.

Both of these transactions will require a Secure and Verifiable ID (SVID) DR 2841 and be completed at your county motor vehicle office.

How can I obtain a new title without the lienholder listed after the vehicle has been paid off?

Download and complete the DR2539A Duplicate Title/Lien Request and Receipt form. Submit the completed form along with payment and a lien release letter from your lender (or a stamped title showing the lien release). You can complete this process at your county motor vehicle office or by mail, as indicated on the DR2539A form.