Due to planned maintenance, all Colorado MV Express kiosks will be out of service from 4 to 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 23. 


Dealer Issued Temporary Permits

Dealers issue temporary permits for cars purchased from the dealership. These are issued via the Colorado DMV Dealer Access Portal.

Getting Started with DRIVES
New sample Colorado temporary vehicle tag registration

  To learn how to issue temporary permits, watch this Dealers training video. If you have any issues or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at dor_vehicleportal@state.co.us.  

In order to issue temporary permits, dealers need to register for the Colorado DMV Partners Program. As part of registration, this End User License Agreement (EULA) needs to be completed. (Consult this EULA help guide if needed.)

Once registered in the program, dealers will issue temporary permits through the DRIVES system using this Colorado DMV Dealer Access Portal.

If you are experiencing issues with your temporary permit system account, please call (720) 795-7864, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday - Friday.


Mounting Board Vendors

Dealers are required to use mounting boards purchased through department-approved vendors only.

A-B&C Enterprises

Colorado Auto Dealers Association

Colorado Independent Auto Dealers Association

Colorado Printing &, Promotion

BML Dealer Supplies and Title Service
(719) 338-3336

Reynolds and Reynolds
Contact your Document Services Consultant directly,
or call 800.344.0996


Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dealers issue license plate holders?

If dealers want to issue a license plate holder, in addition to the mounting board,  the plate holder can not block any part of the plate, pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-202(2)(b) which states A person shall not operate a motor vehicle with an affixed device or a substance that causes all or a portion of a license plate to be unreadable by a system used to automatically identify a motor vehicle.

What If a Temp Tag Is Stolen?

The owner needs to file a police report and take it to the county to fill out a Lost/Stolen Affidavit and request a replacement. Dealers should void the temporary permit if they are alerted

If We Have Multiple Dealerships, Do We Have to Register All of Them?

Yes, because each one has a unique dealership license number.

Are All Mounting Boards and Temp Tags the Same Size? Even for Motorcycles?

No, there are two sizes: passenger vehicle and motorcycle. 

What Happens If Someone Doesn’t Have Car Insurance?

They Will Not Be Permitted to Receive a Temporary Tag., per C.R.S. 42.3.105 (1)(d).

Do The Dates On the Temp Tag Take into Consideration Weekends and Holidays?


If A Vehicle Is Going to Be Transported Out of the State 30 Days from When They Buy the Vehicle, Would They Be Receiving an In-State or Out-Of-State Tag?

They will receive an out-of-state tag and re-register when they get to the state they’re going.

What Do I Do If I’m Creating a Tag and The Power Goes Out?

If the power is only out in your building, then you can create a new temporary tag from a remote location and print if you have printer accessibility.