For more information on the rulemaking process please access this link: Department Information on the Rulemaking Process
The Department of Revenue, Division of Motor Vehicle's customers can participate in the drafting of proposed rules by attending our informal stakeholder workshops and formal rule hearings. Stakeholder meetings are held before filing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking with the Secretary of State. To determine what our current annual Regulatory Agenda is, check out the Secretary of State's website. To receive workshop notices, or hearing notices please sign up through the links below.
Workshop Notices
Sign-up to receive workshop notices: DMV Workshop Notices
Hearing Notices
Sign-up to receive: SOS Notices of Rulemaking (scroll to the bottom of the page)
Current DMV Scheduled Workshops and Hearings for Rule Promulgation
Proposed Rules - Under Review
Vehicle Services:
- 1 CCR 204-10 Rule 24 Vehicle Electronic Notification
- 1 CCR 204-10 Rule 51 Colorado Digital License Plates
- 1 CCR 204-10 Rule 3 Non-Traditional Vehicle Title and Registration Eligibility
Driver License:
- Rule 1 Rules for Application for a Colorado Road and Community Safety Act Identification Documents
- Rule 3 Driver License Re-Examination / Medical Examination
Driver Control:
Petition for Rule Changes
You have the right to petition for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of a rule. This provides you the opportunity to identify problematic rules and to help the DMV improve efficiency. Fill out the below form which will be submitted directly to the DMV and is open to public inspection. Action on the submitted petition is at the discretion of the DMV but when we undertake rulemaking on the matter, all related petitions for the issuance, amendment, or repeal of rules will be considered and acted upon in the same proceeding.
Current Colorado DMV Rules
Visit the website to access the current Code of Colorado Regulations (CCR) published by the Secretary of State.