Future EVTR Service Providers
The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles is committed to serving all Coloradans, online, in-office or on the go. We look forward to working with you to better serve Centennial State residents.
Electronic Vehicle Title and Registration (EVTR) has many benefits, including empowering software developers to create new revenue streams by building a product that provides title and registration services.
Your program will helps save Coloradans time and will give them more service options while helping streamline County Motor Vehicle Office transactions.
The EVTR Vendor will be the single point of contact for users and customers using their service. They work directly with dealerships/businesses. Dealerships / Businesses work directly with Colorado consumers in need of title and registration services.
Interested in becoming an EVTR Service Provider?
The first question to answer is: Do you need to work with an existing EVTR Vendor or are you interested in becoming an EVTR Vendor?
After reviewing the information on this page if you are a business interested in completing EVTR transactions through one of our existing EVTR vendors click the link below to find an approved vendor. If you are interested in providing an interface and becoming an EVTR vendor reach out to us at DOR_DMV_TPT@state.co.us.

About EVTR
What is EVTR?
EVTR is an acronym for Electronic Vehicle Title and Registration.
EVTR contracted vendors work with dealerships and other businesses to provide title and registration services that can be done at the point of sale, or the location of the business, regardless of the customer's county of residence.
The Department contracts with EVTR vendors to ensure that they meet the qualifications to provide these services. Once a vendor is certified, they may work with dealerships and businesses to provide title and registration service through the EVTR vendors’ interface with the Department.
Working with a EVTR vendor to provide these services allows dealerships and businesses to offer additional convenience for customers, by titling and registering vehicles at your location. It also benefits dealerships and businesses by reducing the impact of working with several different county DMV offices across the state.
*Brought to you by SB 21-076, SB 19-256 & HB 18-1299
How does EVTR work?
Auto Dealerships & businesses interested in providing this service to their customers must work with a state approved vendor. User interfaces (software) can vary depending on the vendor. Businesses are encouraged to research all available options to find the best solution for their company.
The EVTR Vendor provides the system (user interface) that the businesses will use for title and registration services. The Department has authorized EVTR vendors to leverage an API that transmits title and registration information to the Department.
Businesses enter all the pertinent information into the transaction and provide electronic copies of the title documents during this “transaction.” The vendor will audit a percentage of all transactions, and the information will be sent to the Department (thus creating a title/registration request). The physical paperwork involved in the transaction will be retained by the user or the vendor (depending on the agreement between the user and the vendor).
Working with a EVTR Vendor may eliminate the need to mail, or physically take, title work to a county DMV office for processing.
Working with a EVTR vendor
Each of the state approved EVTR vendors has a different product or service that they offer. EVTR vendors develop a user interface (system) for dealerships and businesses to use in the process of title and registration. We recommend that any dealership or business interested in providing title and registration services reach out to each EVTR vendor to determine which system/service fits your business needs.
Though each EVTR vendors’ system/service may vary, there are specific requirements that all EVTR vendors must meet, pertaining to their relationship with users of their system/service:
- Vendors are required to obtain a satisfactory background check for any user of their system that may have access to Department information;
- Vendors are required to ensure training is completed by users of their system;
- Vendors are required to audit a percentage of transactions performed by users of their system; and
- Vendors are required to ensure users of their system maintain an accuracy rate of 90% or higher.
Please note: Per C.R.S. 42-1-234(1)(d), EVTR Vendors are authorized to collect a fee for these services.
Please see the chart above for a list of EVTR vendors.
Responsibilities Outlined
Division of Motor Vehicles
Every group in the EVTR Team has responsibilities to maintain. Division of Motor Vehicles' responsibilities are outlined below.
Work with developer/vendor to address any system issues
Provide support and technical insight as needed
Communicate any changes in a timely manner
Verify membership status, upon request
Will audit transactions according to their risk level.
Developers and Vendors
Every group in the EVTR Team has responsibilities to maintain. Developer/vendor responsibilities are outlined below.
- Developed software will interact directly with DRIVES.
- Ensures whoever uses the developed software maintains at least an 90% accuracy rate for all transactions.
- Provides user instructions, including all materials on how to operate their system.
- Provide a clear list of non- DMV/State/County fees associated with the platform
- Acts as the liaison between the customer, Colorado counties and the state-operated DMV.
- Ensure funds will be remitted in a timely manner to the appropriate county, based on the customers county of residence.
- Vendors will provide training on title and registration services, customer service, laws and regulation, etc. for any user of the vendor's system.
- Vendors will need the ability to physically or electronically audit a percentage of the work done by intermediaries.
County Motor Vehicle Offices
Every group in the EVTR Team has responsibilities to maintain. County motor vehicle offices' responsibilities are outlined below.
Counties will be responsible for ensuring appropriate funds are received from the vendors.
MVOs will ensure proper distribution of funds to jurisdictions within their county, and to the state.
Counties will continue to receive clerk hire fees, and lien filing fees (as applicable).
The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles is committed to
answering your questions in a timely manner.
If you have questions, please email us:
We want you on the Team!
We thank you for your interest in the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles' Electronic Vehicle Title and Registration (EVTR). The Title and Registration software your Team develops will help us provide greater flexibility in how Coloradans DMV, while generating a new and untapped revenue stream. The program is made possible by House Bill 18-1299 (HB 1299), Senate Bill 19-256 (SB 256) and SB 21-076 (SB 076).