Gas Vehicles Emissions Program
Which counties require an emissions test to register a vehicle?
- Boulder
- Broomfield
- Denver
- Douglas
- Jefferson
- Portions of Adams
- Portions of Arapahoe
- Portion of Larimer
- Portions of Weld
If you are unsure if a test is required in your area, please contact your local county motor vehicle office. If you have a question about whether you need a test in Adams, Arapahoe, Larimer or Weld County contact your local DMV office at the number below.
- Adams County (720) 523-6010
- Arapahoe County (303) 795-4500
- Larimer County (970) 498-7878
- Weld County (970) 353-3840
AirCare Colorado Map and Pertinent Information
- Gas Program Area Map
- AirCare Colorado has a tool to view the last two emission inspections on a particular gas vehicle.
Click here for the 2025 Gas Emissions Requirements web page.
Vehicles model years 1975 and older
Vehicles model years 1975-and-older can be registered as "collector's items" with no emissions inspection requirement or mileage restriction. However, if the vehicle is not specifically registered as a "collector's item," an emissions inspection is required every year.
Vehicles model year 1976 to 1993
Vehicles model year 1976 to 1993 that have been registered as a "collector's item" prior to Sept. 1, 2009, and the registration has never lapsed or expired, do not require an emissions inspection and there is no mileage restriction. If the vehicle has not previously been registered as a "collector's item," an emissions inspection is required every year.
Vehicles 32 years old
Vehicles at least 32 years old are eligible for "collector's item" registration. However, in order to register as a "collector's item," these vehicles will require an initial emissions inspection and then must be inspected every five years thereafter at the time of registration renewal. These vehicle have a mileage restriction limiting driving to no more than 4,500 miles per year. If the vehicle is being registered in a county that does not require an emissions inspection, only the mileage restriction applies.
Yes, a law passed in January 2015 that required Hybrid vehicles 8 years and older to pass an OBD emissions inspection. For example, in 2023, gasoline/electric hybrid vehicles model year 2016, and older, will receive an OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) test.
The following fuel types require a test and can be tested at AirCare Colorado.
- Ethanol
- Natural Gas
- Propane
- Methanol
- Propane/gas
- Methanol/gas
- Natural gas/gas
- Ethanol/gas
1982 model-year vehicles and newer
1982 model-year vehicles and newer model-year vehicles require an emissions test every other year. An Air Care Colorado Test is $25 (Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard or Discover).
Follow this link to obtain Emissions Testing Facilities with AirCare Colorado. AirCare Colorado tests for gas vehicles are typically updated in the system within a few hours; if not sooner. This will allow you to complete electronic renewal transactions without uploading the physical test.
Vehicles 1981 and older
1981 model-year vehicles and older are required to have an emissions test performed each year. Visit Air Care Colorado or one of the independent stations listed below:
Econo Emissions & Auto Service
8330 E. Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80220
(303) 394-3196
Test fee is $15 (Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard or Discover)
- Obtain an emissions test if the statement "Emissions Test is Required" appears on the vehicle registration renewal notice.
- Submit the Certificate of Emissions Control (the bottom third of your passing emission test) with your registration fee to your county motor vehicle office. Check with your county for any additional requirements.
- If you choose to renew your vehicle online, you can do so through, Vehicle Services tab, “Renew a vehicle registration”. If your county participates in the kiosk program you can also renew at any kiosk location. Your emissions test information from Air Care Colorado should be uploaded into our system within a few hours; if not sooner for a gas vehicle.
If you have seen a vehicle emitting excessive smoke you may report it to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment by calling the smoking vehicle hotline at 303-692-3211 or via email at