Due to planned maintenance, all Colorado MV Express kiosks will be out of service from 4 to 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 23. 


Lost, Stolen or Misuse of License Plates

The DMV does not have the statutory authority to investigate lost, stolen or the misuse of license plates and placards. Please contact your local law enforcement agency to report any stolen or the misuse of license plates and placards.

To replace a stolen plate, please complete the DR 2283 Affidavit of Lost of Stolen Plates and submit it to your County's motor vehicle office. Fees depend on whether you are due for renewal and which type of plate you have. Please contact your County's motor vehicle office for more information.

If you have erroneously received a bill from any toll highway you will need to contact the Express Toll Service Center at (303) 537-3470 or,(888) 946-3470, you can also fax them at (303) 537-3404.