Surplus Military Vehicles Frequently Asked Questions
Colorado Revised Statute 42-6-102 (20.5) defines “Surplus Military Vehicle” as a self-propelled vehicle that was: (a)purchased for nonmilitary use; and (b) built for the United States Armed Forces.
Colorado Revised Statute 42-6-102(6.3) defines “Historical Military Vehicle” as a vehicle of any size or weight that is valued for historical purposes, that was manufactured for use by any nation's armed forces, and that is maintained in a condition that represents its military design and markings
The only surplus military vehicles that can be registered for on-road use are vehicles that are leased or owned by a municipality, county or fire protection district for the purposes of assisting with firefighting efforts, including mitigating the risk of wildfires.
No, a Historical Military Vehicle can not be issued a Colorado title. These vehicles do not meet the statutory definition to be issued a title, either as an on-road or OHV. Historical Military Vehicles neither meet the Colorado Revised Statute definition of a motor vehicle as the manufacturer of these vehicles has notified the State of Colorado that these vehicles are not primarily designed for travel on the public highways nor an OHV as Historical Military Vehicles are excluded by definition from being issued an OHV title.
C.R.S. 42-6-402(10) "Motor vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle that is designed primarily for travel on the public highways and is generally and commonly used to transport persons and property over the public highways, including trailers, semi trailers, and trailer coaches, without motive power. "Motor vehicle" does not include the following:
(a) A low-power scooter, as defined in section 42-1-102;
(b) A vehicle that operates only upon rails or tracks laid in place on the ground or that travels through the air or that derives its motive power from overhead electric lines;
(c) A farm tractor, farm trailer, and any other machines and tools used in the production, harvesting, and care of farm products; or
(d) Special mobile machinery or industrial machinery not designed primarily for highway transportation.
These are vehicles that were built for use by the armed forces. These vehicles have been auctioned off or sold to the general public. The intent of these vehicles was not to be operated over public highways. Manufacturers of these vehicles include American General, Oshkosh, Harsco and CONDEC. Examples of these are below.
No, this change does not impact any Hummer make that was made by General Motors for on-highway use and has a conforming 17-digit VIN.
No, this vehicle can not be renewed. Once programming is completed, your title will be recalled and an OHV title will be issued to you.
The registration will be permitted to remain until it expires at which time it cannot be renewed or you can cancel it you will be eligible for a credit for another vehicle that you own. This credit is valid until the end of the registration period of the Surplus Military Vehicle. No refunds will be issued. The currently issued title will be replaced with an OHV title, and will be mailed to you at no additional charge.
No. These vehicles do not meet the statutory definition of a Collector Vehicle, C.R.S. 42-12-101(2), and 42-12-101(15)
C.R.S. 42-12-10(2) "Collector's item" means a motor vehicle, including a truck or truck tractor, that is of:
(a) Model year 1975 or earlier;
(b) Model year 1976 or later that was registered as a collector's item prior to September 1, 2009; except that a vehicle so registered is not eligible for registration as a collector's item upon sale or transfer to a new owner; or
(c) A model year at least thirty-two years old unless the vehicle was registered before September 1, 2009, and meets the requirements of paragraph (b) of this subsection (2). If the vehicle is being registered under this paragraph (c) and in the program area, as defined in section 42-4-304:
(I) The vehicle must have passed an emissions test meeting the standards of part 3 of article 4 of this title within the last twelve months before being initially registered by the owner as a collector's item; and
(II) The owner must sign an affidavit that the vehicle will not be driven on roadways for more than four thousand five hundred miles per year.C.R.S 42-12-101-(15) (15) "Vehicle" means a motor vehicle required to have a certificate of title under part 1 of article 6 of this title but does not include commercial vehicles.
C.R.S. 42-6-102(10) "Motor vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle that is designed primarily for travel on the public highways and is generally and commonly used to transport persons and property over the public highways, including trailers, semitrailers, and trailer coaches, without motive power. "Motor vehicle" does not include the following:
(a) A low-power scooter, as defined in section 42-1-102;
(b) A vehicle that operates only upon rails or tracks laid in place on the ground or that travels through the air or that derives its motive power from overhead electric lines;
(c) A farm tractor, farm trailer, and any other machines and tools used in the production, harvesting, and care of farm products; or
(d) Special mobile machinery or industrial machinery not designed primarily for highway transportation.
10. Can these vehicles be used for parades?
These vehicles are not eligible for a vehicle registration, nor a special event license plate. Any use in a parade or other event, should be addressed to local law enforcement, or event organizers.These vehicles are not eligible for a vehicle registration, nor a special event license plate. Any use in a parade or other event, should be addressed to local law enforcement, or event organizers.
No, with Senate Bill 19-054 Surplus Military Vehicle, these vehicles will only be issued an Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) title and shall not be registered for on road use in Colorado.
The registration will be permitted to remain until it expires at which time it cannot be renewed or can be canceled and you will be eligible for a credit for another vehicle that you own. This credit is valid until the end of the registration period of the Surplus Military Vehicle. No refunds will be issued. The currently issued title will be replaced with an OHV title, and will be mailed to you at no additional charge.
Your vehicle will be issued an OHV title, and registration for OHV in Colorado is completed through Colorado Parks and Wildlife
The Division of Motor Vehicles is completing programming and will complete implementation of this legislation once programming is complete. The DMV apologizes for any inconvenience.