Regular License Plates

150th Anniversary License Plate 13+
HiCo License Plate 13+

About: Creation of this license plate was per House Bill 22-1388.

Available For: Motorcycles, Passenger cars, trucks that do not exceed 16,000 pounds empty weight, noncommercial (not available for any vehicle registered as Tax Class A – International Registration Plan (IRP)) or recreational vehicles and motor homes.

Requirements: Pay usual taxes and fee.

Fees: Usual taxes and fees.

Personalized License Plate Fees: A one-time fee of $60.00 with an annual $25.00 fee collected each year thereafter upon renewal. The center logo is not printed on personalized license plates.

Number of Plates Allowed: Unlimited

Plate Options:

  • Passenger regular license plate
  • Passenger personalized license plate
  • Motorcycle regular license plate
  • Motorcycle personalized license plate

Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute 42-3-266.

Electric Vehicle Plate
Electric vehicle license plate

About: Creation of this license plate was per House Bill 21-1141.

Available For: Plug-In Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles that are Motorcycles, Passenger cars, trucks that do not exceed 16,000 pounds empty weight, noncommercial (not available for any vehicle registered as Tax Class A – International Registration Plan (IRP) or recreational vehicles and motor homes.

Who Qualifies: Any person who has a Plug-In Electric Vehicle and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle.

Requirements: A person with a Plug-In Electric Vehicle and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle must either be issued an Electric Vehicle license plate or if they elect to not be issued the license plate must be issued the Plug-In Electric Vehicle decal.

Fees: No additional fees for the Electric Vehicle license plate.

Personalized License Plate Fees: A one-time fee of $60.00 with an annual $25.00 fee collected each year thereafter upon renewal. The center logo is not printed on personalized license plates.

Number of Plates Allowed: No Limit

Plate Options:

  • Passenger regular license plate
  • Passenger personalized license plate
  • Motorcycle regular license plate
  • Motorcycle personalized license plate

Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute 42-3-259.

Passenger License Plate
Passenger License Plate

Available For: Passenger cars, sport utility vehicles, hearses, motor homes, buses, passenger vans.

Number of Plates Allowed: Unlimited

Plate Options: Personalized license plates

Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute 42-3-306(2)(b).


Available For: 2 to 3 wheeled motor vehicle that uses directly connected steering

Number of Plates Allowed: Unlimited

Plate Options: Personalized license plates

Available For: Any motor vehicle designed to travel on no more than three wheels.

Number of Plates Allowed: Unlimited.

Plate Options:

Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute 42-3-306(5).

Light Truck
Passenger License Plate

About: Truck equipped with a body, which is generally and commonly used to carry and transport property over the highways including sport utility vehicles with a truck bed and cargo vans.

Available For: Trucks that do not exceed sixteen thousand pounds empty weight.

Number of Plates Allowed: Unlimited

Plate Options: Personalized license plates

Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute 42-3-306(5).

Recreational Truck
Rec Truck

About: Used exclusively for pleasure, enjoyment, recreational purposes or transportation of the owner, lessee or occupant. May be used singly or in combination with a trailer or utility trailer, which is used in the same manner as the truck. Not used to transport cargo or passengers for profit or hire.

Available For: Noncommercial or recreational vehicles, except for motor homes

Plate Options: Personalized license plates

Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute 42-3-306 (13).

150th Anniversary License Plate U13
HiCo License Plate U13

About: Creation of this license plate was per House Bill 22-1388.

Available For: Motorcycles, Passenger cars, trucks that do not exceed 16,000 pounds empty weight, noncommercial (not available for any vehicle registered as Tax Class A – International Registration Plan (IRP) or recreational vehicles and motor homes.

Requirements: Pay usual taxes and fee.

Fees: Usual taxes and fees.

Personalized License Plate Fees: A one-time fee of $60.00 with an annual $25.00 fee collected each year thereafter upon renewal. The center logo is not printed on personalized license plates.

Number of Plates Allowed: Unlimited

Plate Options:

  • Passenger regular license plate
  • Passenger personalized license plate
  • Motorcycle regular license plate
  • Motorcycle personalized license plate

Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute 42-3-266.

Persons With Disabilities
Persons with Disabilities license plate options

About: This identifying plate permits qualified applicants to park their vehicle or a vehicle in which they are a passenger in designated disability parking spaces.

Available For: Passenger cars, trucks that do not exceed 16,000 pounds empty weight, motor homes, motorcycles.

Who Qualifies: A person with a physical impairment that limits the person's mobility to the extent that the person with a disability is unable to walk 200 feet without extreme pain, fatigue or other ill effects or without the aid of a mechanical device. A licensed Colorado physician, Advance Practice Nurse, Podiatrist, or Commissioned Medical Officer must certify under penalty of perjury that the disability causes a substantial mobility limitation.

Number of Plates Allowed: The department may issue two identifying placards, two identifying plates, or one plate and one placard to an eligible individual. C.R.S. 42-3-204(3)(b)(I)

For more information see Form DR2816 Persons with Disabilities Parking Privileges Pamphlet

Requirements: Qualifying person must submit Form DR 2219 Persons With Disabilities Parking Privileges Application

For personalized persons with disabilities license plates: Personalized License Plate Application

More Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute 42-3-204. 1 CCR 204-10 Rule 25 Persons with Disabilities Parking Privileges, Code of Federal Regulations 23 CFR 1235


Available For: Passenger cars or trucks that do not exceed sixteen thousand pounds empty weight.

Fees: One-time fee of $50.00 for the issuance or replacement of plates.  $25.00 to the Highway Users Tax Fund (C.R.S. 43-4-205 (5.5)(b).

Number of Plates Allowed: Unlimited.

Plate Options: Personalized license plates

Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute 42-3-212


Who Qualifies: Any person with a Trailer, Utility Trailer, Trailer Coach or Multi-purpose Trailer.

Number of Plates Allowed: Unlimited.

Plate Options: Personalized license plates

Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute 42-3-306(3).

Historical and Retired Plates
Historical License Plates backgrounds

About: Creation of this license plate was per Senate Bill 21-069 and SB22-217.

Available For: Motorcycles, Passenger cars, trucks that do not exceed 16,000 pounds empty weight, noncommercial (not available for any vehicle registered as Tax Class A – International Registration Plan (IRP)) or recreational vehicles and motor homes.

Who Qualifies: Any person desiring to be issued the Historical or Retired Style Background license plate.

Requirements: A person desiring to be issued the Historical or Retired Style Background license plate must apply with the Department and pay the additional fees.

Fees: A fee of $25.00 for issuance or replacement of the license plates and then charged annually, in addition to other taxes and fees.
The $25.00 is remitted to the Disability Support Fund (C.R.S. 24-30-2205.5)

Personalized License Plate Fees: A one-time fee of $60.00 with an annual $25.00 fee collected each year thereafter upon renewal.

Number of Plates Allowed: No Limit.

Plate Options:

  • Passenger personalized license plate
  • Motorcycle personalized license plate

Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute 42-3-206.5.

License Plates Fees

Cost of License Plates manufactured by Colorado Correctional Industries

License Plates manufactured by Colorado Correctional Industries at a cost of:
Embossed PlatesPrint-On-Demand Plates
Single: $2.91Single: $4.70
Set: $5.83Set: $9.40

An embossed plate is a plate with the raised lettering pressed into the material. The standard green and white plates are embossed.

A Print-On-Demand plate is a flat laser-etched image on the metal. Personalized plates and other special plate designs (e.g. military, personalized, group plates) are “Print-On-Demand” plates.