Due to planned maintenance, all Colorado MV Express kiosks will be out of service from 4 to 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 23. 


Title & Register Your Vehicle at the Dealership

You can now title and register your vehicle at participating auto dealerships in the State

The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles works with companies that offer title and registration services. This helps provide Coloradans with more ways to  DMV, saving Coloradans time, and avoiding the hassle of visiting a County Motor Vehicle Office.

The program was made possible by several legislative endeavors, including: House Bill 18-1299 (HB 1299), Senate Bill 19-256 (SB 256) and SB 21-076 (SB 076).


Not sure you're dealing with a legitimate title and registration service provider? Look for the logo!

The Colorado DMV wants you to feel comfortable using these new services, therefore we have created a logo that can be displayed by legitimate title and registration providers. Look for the logo on the right.

It's your choice whether to do an EVTR transaction at your dealership, or County Motor Vehicle Office. If you don’t have a good feeling, or you think you might be the target of a fraudulent service, walk away!

Contact us if you would like to report an experience you had with an EVTR Service Provider.


The list of current Colorado Title and Registration Service Providers

Go to the Google Spreadsheet of Approved Service Providers

Please note: Not all EVTR Service Providers offer all DMV services. 
If you are working with an EVTR Service Provider ask them about the services they offer!