Due to planned maintenance, all Colorado MV Express kiosks will be out of service from 4 to 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 23. 


Alcohol DUI

Express Consent

Colorado's Express Consent Law requires any driver to consent to a chemical test if a police officer has reasonable grounds to believe the person is driving under the influence or their ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired because of alcohol, drugs or both. 

Colorado revokes driving privileges for any individual who fails to cooperate with the chemical testing process requested by an officer during the investigation of an alcohol or drug-related DUI arrest (CRS 42-2-126)., Neither the roadside breath test (PBT) nor a later test at a detox facility satisfy the requirement to cooperate. For alcohol testing, it is only the Intoxilyzer test administered by the officer or the blood test taken at the officer's request that satisfies the chemical testing requirement. 

For violations on or after January 1, 2014, a refusal results in a one year revocation for a first offense and a Persistent Drunk Driver designation. This designation requires the person to complete a Level II Alcohol and Drug Education and Treatment program. In addition, the person must hold a restricted license (Ignition Interlock) for a minimum of two years upon restoration or his or her driving privileges (CRS 42-2-132.5).

Request a Hearing

Alcohol Course

The court may require you to complete a series of alcohol classes as a condition of a plea bargain or a deferred sentence for an alcohol-related offense. There are also circumstances in which the court may not order you to take alcohol classes, but Colorado law will require these classes as a condition of driver license reinstatement. To find a treatment provider please visit https://www.colorado.gov/cdhs.

Out-of-State Driver Reinstating in Colorado

If you are an out of state driver and need to reinstate with the State of Colorado and have a requirement for Level II Drug/Alcohol Education/Therapy you must have an evaluation done by an alcohol treatment center or alcohol therapist in the state where you reside. You cannot reinstate with the State of Colorado until you can provide documentation that you have met the requirements of the center or therapist. A summary of the evaluation should be submitted on letterhead from the alcohol treatment center or therapist and must specify the beginning and ending dates as well as the hours required to fulfill their requirements. For more information on alcohol classes view the Alcohol and Drug Treatment Web page.

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