Fraud Alerts/Scams

Identity Theft Fraud Alert

  • Each year, millions of Americans fall victim to scams perpetrated from all over the globe. Although it is difficult to determine exact figures, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates that, last year alone, more than $1.7 billion was lost due to fraudulent activity. While exact figures are not available, it is also estimated fraud losses total in the hundreds of millions of dollars in Colorado alone.
  • Consumer education is the best weapon in the fight against fraud, therefore, being knowledgeable of the tactics used by scammers will greatly reduce your chances of becoming a victim.
  • More fraud prevention information

Vehicle Title Fraud Alert

  • NMVTIS was created to protect consumers from vehicle fraud and unsafe vehicles. AAMVA has developed a video to raise awareness of NMVTIS and its potential use by anyone considering buying a used vehicle. State agencies use NMVTIS information as part of their vehicle titling process, consumers would benefit from using the same system. Before purchasing a used vehicle please watch this video.

Four versions of the video are available:

Fake DMV Website, Fraud Alert - VIDEO

  • Please be aware of fraudulent websites providing DMV services. They could be trying to steal your personal identifying information.
  • Please be aware of websites that are not affiliated with the Colorado DMV but do provide service to consumers.
  • Always use the direct website www.colorado.gov/dmv when conducting DMV business.
  • Always look for a disclaimer at the top or bottom of the site that says they are not affiliated with any Government agency.


Helpful Link:

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Recall Information

Fraud Home Page