Due to planned maintenance, all Colorado MV Express kiosks will be out of service from 4 to 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 23. 


Taxes and Fees

Registration Fees

Fees are based on the empty weight and type of vehicle being registered, C.R.S. 42-3-306. Additional fees may be collected based on county of residence and license plate selected.

Coloradans who do not register their vehicle within the grace period (90 days for new residents, and 60 days if you just bought a new vehicle, and a grace period of 30 days for current renewals on vehicle registrations), will have to pay prorated back taxes and fees in addition to vehicle registration fees. Since the taxes and fees will vary for each Coloradan based on the vehicle and county of residence, residents should visit their county motor vehicle office to find out how much they will owe if they are delinquent in registering their vehicle.

Keep Colorado Wild Pass Fee

Beginning in 2023, ​​​Colorado residents can get a $29 Keep Colorado Wild Pass during their annual vehicle registration. To learn more, visit the Colorado Parks and Wildlife webpage.

Accepted Forms of Payment

Please contact your County Motor Vehicle office for the most up-to-date information.

Cash, check or credit card are accepted, but there might be a credit card processing fee depending on the county where the transaction will happen. Different counties accept different credit cards, please see below.

The following counties accept Mastercard, Visa, and Discover cards as payment options when titling a registering a vehicle:
  • Adams
  • Alamosa
  • Arapahoe
  • Archuleta
  • Baca
  • Boulder
  • Broomfield
  • Chaffee
  • Cheyenne
  • Clear Creek
  • Conejos
  • Costilla
  • Custer
  • Delta
  • Denver
  • Dolores
  • Douglas
  • Eagle
  • El Paso
  • Fremont
  • Garfield
  • Gilpin
  • Grand
  • Gunnison
  • Huerfano
  • Jackson
  • Jefferson
  • Kiowa
  • Kit Carson
  • Lake
  • La Plata
  • Larimer
  • Las Animas
  • Lincoln
  • Logan
  • Mesa
  • Moffat
  • Montezuma
  • Montrose
  • Morgan
  • Otero
  • Ouray
  • Park
  • Phillips
  • Pitkin
  • Prowers
  • Pueblo
  • Rio Blanco
  • Rio Grande
  • Routt
  • Saguache
  • San Miguel
  • Summit
  • Teller
  • Washington


The following Counties accept Master Card, Visa, Discover and American Express as a payment option when titling and registering a vehicle:  

  • Weld
  • Yuma

General Info

  • These taxes are based on the year of manufacture of the vehicle and the original taxable value which is determined when the vehicle is new and does not change throughout the life of the vehicle.
  • The specific ownership taxes you paid for a registration year are on the back of your registration receipt. 
  • Ownership tax is in lieu of personal property tax. Vehicles do not need to be operated in order to be assessed this tax.
  • The ownership tax rate is assessed on the original taxable value and year of service

Tax Class B and C

Tax Class B and C

Tax Class B – Every truck, laden or unladen truck tractor, trailer, and semitrailer used for the purpose of transporting property over any public highway in this state and not included in Class A shall be Class B personal property; except that multipurpose trailers shall be Class D personal property. (C.R.S. 42-3-106(1)(b))

  • Taxable value
  • Less than 16,000 pounds – 75% of MSRP
  • Equal to or greater than 16,000 pounds – Actual Purchase Price
  • Greater than 16,000 pounds and is alternative fuel – 75% of actual purchase price
Tax Class B
Vehicle Model YearTax Assessment
First Year2.10% of taxable value
Second Year1.50% of taxable value
Third Year1.20% of taxable value
Fourth Year.90% of taxable value
Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth years.45% of taxable value or $10.00, whichever is greater
Tenth and each later year$3.00



Tax Class C – Every motor vehicle not included in Class A or Class B shall be Class C personal property. (C.R.S. 42-3-106(1)(c))

  • Taxable value
    • 85% of MSRP
Tax Class C
Vehicle Model YearTax Assessment
First Year2.10% of taxable value
Second Year1.50% of taxable value
Third Year1.20% of taxable value
Fourth Year.90% of taxable value
Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth years.45% of taxable value
Tenth and each later year$3.00

Tax Class D and F

Tax Class D and F

Tax Class D – Every utility trailer, camper trailer, multipurpose trailer, and trailer coach shall be Class D personal property. (C.R.S. 42-3-106(1)(d))

  • Taxable value
    • 85% of MSRP
Tax Class D
Vehicle Model YearTax Assessment
First Year2.10% of taxable value
Second Year1.50% of taxable value
Third Year1.20% of taxable value
Fourth Year.90% of taxable value
Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth years.45% of taxable value
Tenth and each later year.45% of taxable value or $3, whichever is greater


Tax Class F – Every item of special mobile machinery, except power takeoff equipment, that is required to be registered is Class F personal property. A farm tractor, meeting the definition of special mobile machinery, used for any purpose other than agricultural production for more than seventy-two-hour period at the site where it is used for non-agricultural purposes, is Class F personal property. (C.R.S. 42-3-106(1)(e))

  • Taxable value
    • Dependent on acquired date and mounted equipment see C.R.S. 42-3-107(14)
Tax Class F
Vehicle Model YearTax Assessment
First Year2.10% of taxable value
Second Year1.50% of taxable value
Third Year1.25% of taxable value
Fourth Year1.00% of taxable value
Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth years.75% of taxable value
Tenth and each later year.50% of taxable value or but not less than $5

If a vehicle is subject to taxation and is not registered when required by law, the vehicle owner shall pay a late fee of $25 for each month ($10 for trailers), or portion of a month, that it was not registered. 
CRS 42-3-112 

Statutorily allowable exemptions for late fees:

  1. Acts of God: means an unforeseen and uncontrollable natural event that is outside of human control, including but not limited to hurricane, lightning fire, flood, tornado, typhoon, and earthquake, that prevents an individual from utilizing available methods provided for the titling, registration, temporary registration permit, or renewal of vehicle registrations. 
  2. Weather-related delays: means the postponement of service availability that prevents the motor vehicle office from completing the titling, registration, temporary registration permit, or renewal of vehicle registrations as determined by the Executive Director of the Department or a county commissioner. 
  3. Office Closures: means a closure of a motor vehicle office during normal business hours. 
  4. Furloughs: means a mandated closure of a government office in the state, county, or city in which the registrant resides. 
  5. Medical Hardships: means certification by a medical professional of medical care, treatment, service and/or medical incapacitation that prevented a person from utilizing available methods provided for completing the titling, registration, temporary registration permit, or renewal of vehicle registrations within statutory time requirements for a vehicle for which the person is a named owner. Use the DR 2538 as listed below.
  6. Information Technology Failures: means any computer system or related software or hardware malfunction that prevents successfully completing a vehicle title, registration, Temporary Registration Permit issuance, or renewal transaction.
  7. Active Duty Military: active military service of the United States where the owner has military orders or other proof that they were serving outside the state at the time the vehicle was required to be registered; an affidavit stating that the vehicle was not operated on any public highway in CO during the registration and grace period ended and the vehicle is re-registered is also required.


Late Fee Refund Requests

If you believe you should not have been assessed a late fee due to one of the above statutorily allowable reasons, please complete and submit the DR 2468 Late Fee Review and Refund Request form or the DR 2538 Medical Hardship Late Fee Exemption Affidavit.  

Please be advised that USPS delay, or non-receipt of a renewal card is not a statutorily allowable reason to waive/refund a late fee. Additionally, expiration of a temporary tag is no longer a statutorily allowable exemption per HB 22-1254 and expired temp tags will result in late fee assessment.

CRS 42-3-112, CCR 204-10 Rule 44, 42-3-314

General Information

Funding Advancement for Surface Transportation Economic Recovery (FASTER) fees (Road Safety and Bridge Safety) were created with Senate Bill 09-108.

FASTER Fees Road Safety Surcharge

FASTER Fees Road Safety Surcharge


Funding Advancement for Surface Transportation Economic Recovery (FASTER) fees (Road Safety and Bridge Safety) were created with Senate Bill 09-108.
Road Safety Surcharge - 43-4-804(1)(a)(I)
Vehicle Fee
Motorcycle $16.00
Autocycle $16.00 
Trailer Coach$16.00
2,000 lbs or less$16.00
2,001 - 5,000 lbs  $23.00
5,001 - 10,000 lbs$28.00
Passenger Bus $37.00
10,001 - 16,000 lbs$37.00
16,001 lbs or more$39.00
Road Safety Surcharge - 43-4-804(1)(a)(I)
Farm VehicleFee
2,000 lbs or less$8.00 
2,001 - 5,000 lbs $11.50 
5,001 - 10,000 lbs$14.00 
Passenger Bus $18.50
10,001 - 16,000 lbs $18.50
16,001 lbs or more$19.50


FASTER Fees Bridge Safety Surcharge

FASTER Fees Bridge Safety Surcharge

Funding Advancement for Surface Transportation Economic Recovery (FASTER) fees (Road Safety and Bridge Safety) were created with Senate Bill 09-108.
Bridge Safety Surcharge - 43-4-805(5)(g)
Vehicle Fee
Motorcycle $13.00 
Motor Scooter $13.00 
Motor Bicycle $13.00
2,000 lbs or less $13.00
2,001 - 5,000 lbs   $18.00
5,001 - 10,000 lbs$23.00
Passenger Bus $29.00
10,001 - 16,000 lbs$29.00
16,001 lbs or more$32.00
Bridge Safety Surcharge - 43-4-805(5)(g)
Farm VehicleFee
2,000 lbs or less $6.50 
2,001 - 5,000 lbs $9.00 
5,001 - 10,000 lbs$11.50 
Passenger Bus $14.50
10,001 - 16,000 lbs $14.50
16,001 lbs or more$16.00


General Information

In addition to other taxes and fees, these fees will be assessed starting  July 1, 2023, in accordance with the Sustainability Of The Transportation System Act (SB 21-260)

Fiscal Year

Fiscal YearFY 2022-23FY 2023-24FY 2024-25
Plug-In Electric Vehicle Registration Fee$51.88$54.47$57.19
Commercial Electric Road Usage -
10,000 to 16,000 lbs
Commercial Electric Road Usage -
16,000 to 26,000 lbs
Commercial Electric Road Usage -
More than 26,000 lbs

Electric Motor Vehicle Road Usage Fees

Electric Motor Vehicle Road Usage fees are as follows. These rates are pre-determined by statute. Inflation will not begin until Fiscal Year (FY) 2032-33:

Fiscal Year2023202420252026202720282029203020312032
Battery Electric$4$8$12$16$26$36$51$66$81$96
Plug-in Hybrid$3$5$8$11$13$16$19$21$24$27

Fact Sheet

General information

  • The Division of Motor Vehicles launched DRIVES for Title and Registration services on August 6, 2018.
  • In an effort to provide better transparency into fees that are part of registering a vehicle, vehicle owners are now provided an itemized receipt containing all fees paid during a registration transaction.
  • This fact sheet provides background on common fees that vehicle owners see on their registration cards.


Common motor vehicle fees

  • Specific Ownership Taxes (SOT)
    • These taxes are based on the year of manufacture of the vehicle and the original taxable value, which is determined when the vehicle is new and does not change throughout the life of the vehicle. SOT is distributed into each county’s general fund with the exception of $0.50 that is distributed to the Colorado DRIVES Vehicle Services Account (formerly known as CSTARS fund) in the Highway Users Tax Fund (HUTF) pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-107(22).
    • SOT paid for each year is listed on the back of the registration card.
    • SOT is in lieu of personal property tax. Vehicles do not need to be operated in order to be assessed this tax.
    • The SOT rate is assessed on the original taxable value and year of service
    • For a breakdown of SOT, please see above.
  • Age of Vehicle - Less than seven years old, seven to nine years old, and 10- years and older, pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-304(9), 42-3-304(10) and 42-3-306(2)(b)(II). This fee is distributed to the HUTF (C.R.S. 43-4-201)
Fees based on vehicle age
Age of VehicleFee
Less than 7 years old$9.00
7-9 years old$7.00
10 years or older$5.00


  • Clerk Hire Fee - $4 on all registration transactions, pursuant to C.R.S. 42-1-210. This fee is distributed to the County Clerk and Recorder.
  • County Road and Bridge - $0.94 for all motor vehicles and trailers greater than 2,000 pounds and $2.50 for motorcycles, trailers less than 2,000 pounds, and trailer coaches, pursuant to 42-3-310. This fee is distributed to the County Road and Bridge Fund.
  • Emissions-Area Air Account - This $1.50 fee is assessed to every item of Class A, B and C personal property required to be registered in the emissions program area, pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-304(18)(b). This fee is distributed to the AIR Account and used for emissions program enforcement efforts and administration of the program by the Department of Public Health and Environment and the Department of Revenue.
  • Emissions Program County Area -This $0.70 fee is assessed to every item of Class A, B and C personal property required to be registered, regardless of whether it is subject to emissions, pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-304(18)(a). This fee is distributed to the County Clerk and Recorder.
  • Emissions - Statewide Air Account - This $0.50 fee is assessed on every item of Class A, B and C personal property required to be registered, regardless of whether it is subject to emissions, pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-304(18)(a). This fee is distributed to the AIR Account.
  • Emergency Medical Services - $2 to all vehicles, except trailers and Low- Power Scooters, pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-304(21). This fee is distributed to the Emergency Medical Services Account, pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-304(21).
  • Insurance Fee - This $0.50 fee is charged to vehicles that are not exempt from the Motorist Insurance Identification Database fee (vehicles which have qualified as self-insured), C.R.S. 42-3-304(1)(b). This fee is retained in the DRIVES Account.
  • Peace Officer Standardized Training (POST) Fee - $1 for all Tax Class A, B and C vehicles, pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-304(24). $0.95 of this fee is distributed to the POST Board and $0.05 is retained by the County Clerk and Recorder, pursuant to 42-3-304(24).
  • Material Fees - Year tab ($0.33), month tab ($0.30) and license plates (on issuance- embossed set $5.83, digital set $9.40), pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-301. This fee is retained in the License Plate Cash Fund and covers the cost of manufacturing and distributing these materials.
  • Motorist Insurance Information Database (MIIDB) - $0.10 on Class A, B, and C vehicles and low power scooters, pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-304(1) and 42-3-304(18)(d)(I). This fee is distributed to the DRIVES Vehicle Services Account.
  • Registration Base Fee - Is based on the weight of a vehicle. Fees for passenger vehicles are pursuant to C.R.S. 42-3-306(2)(b)(I). This fee is distributed to HUTF.
  • Funding Advancement for Surface Transportation Economic Recovery (FASTER) fees (Listed as Road Safety and Bridge Safety) - were created with Senate Bill 09-108. For more information regarding FASTER fees please visit above. These fees are distributed to the Bridge Special Fund and the HUTF.
  • Additional fees may be assessed based on vehicle type, license plate type selected, and fuel type.