Do I need online services or do I need to go to the DMV in-person?
Look at what you can do on before scheduling an in-office appointment.
Our site offers most services online, saving you time and effort.
Don't see what you need online? You will need to schedule an appointment to visit a DMV office.
For assistance with title and vehicle registration, please contact your county motor vehicle office.
I can get these DRIVER SERVICES online:
You can use myDMV online services if you need the following driver services:
- Apply for driver license or ID
- @Home instruction permit tests
- Renew driver license (preferred)
- Upgrade or downgrade a driver license
- Add/change a driver license or ID address
- Where's my driver license?
- Pay a citation or reinstatement fee
- Request a driving record
- Update emergency contact
- View/submit a DOT medical certificate
I can get these VEHICLE SERVICES online:
You can use <myDMV online services if you need the following vehicle services:
- Renew a vehicle registration
- Request a duplicate title/registration
- Add/change a vehicle address
- Release of Liability
- Apply for emissions waiver
- Replace tabs
- Replace license plates
- Apply for disability placard
- International Registration Plan
- Request vehicle record/title history
I can go In-Office if I need these services:
If you do not find what you need online, you will need to schedule an appointment prior to visiting a DMV Office if you need:
- First time driver license / permit
- Take a CDL permit test
- Take a written permit test
- Take a written endorsement test
- Renew a driver license / ID / permit
- For CO-RCSA services
- County Motor Vehicle Offices
- Which office do I need?
On The Go Services
Find a Kiosk
The self-service Colorado Motor Vehicle Express Kiosk offers a fast and easy way to renew your vehicle tabs.
- The average transaction takes less than 2 minutes
- Vehicle registration renewal
- Title status check
- Get duplicate registrations
- Get duplicate Tabs
- Scan, Pay, Print at the kiosk
Our Mobile Driver License Offices focus on helping underserved Coloradans get the DMV services they need. These services include:
- First time: Colorado Driver License or ID card
- Out-of-State Transfers
- Renew: Driver License, Permit, Identification Card,
- Issue New: Driver License, Permit, Identification Card
- Motor Vehicle Records
- Reinstatements
- Colorado Roads and Community Safety Act services