

If your license is revoked for a drug and/or alcohol offense, you may be eligible to reinstate your driving privileges early with the ignition interlock device or, you are eligible to reinstate if you have served the revocation period on all of your restraint actions. The department will reinstate a driving privilege if all of the reinstatement requirements are met and your driving privilege is not under restraint for any other type of action.

There are special conditions that affect reinstatement requirements:

  • A Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) on a chemical test at or above 0.15 results in a Persistent Drunk Driver designation.
  • Refusing to take the blood or breath chemical test at a traffic stop results in a Persistent Drunk Driver designation.
  • If you have multiple alcohol violations or refusals on your record, the revocation period for early reinstatement with interlock may be up to 1 or 2 months.

Reinstatement requirements can include installing the ignition interlock device, SR-22 insurance and payment of a reinstatement fee. Additionally, enrollment in alcohol education & therapy sessions may be required. 

Upload Reinstatements Documents Here

Pay Reinstatement Fees

Colorado driver license with red stamped text reading restricted across the front of license

For information about how to reinstate driving privileges,
call DMV Driver Services at
