Driver Records - Frequently Asked Questions


Obtaining Driving Records and Letters of Clearance

Driving records provided by the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles reflect previous driver history. This activity includes things like:
  • Tickets and traffic convictions
  • Withdrawals 
  • Revocations 
  • License ID status 
  • Administrative stops
  • Etc. 
Driving records are available for the previous seven years or for the full history of the driver. They cannot be limited to show any time period less than seven years. Our records are maintained in accordance with State and Federal law, which includes the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the requirements of the Federal Trade Commission.
You can get a copy of your driving record in three different ways:
  1. Request online at Motor Vehicle Records. Non-certified copies should be emailed to you within 24 hours. Check your spam/junk mail folder if you don’t see it. (Private Investigator/Attorney requests may take up to 2 business days.) Certified copies are sent to the requestor’s mailing address.  
  2. You can complete a form DR 2559 Permission for Release of Individual Records and mail it along with a check or money order for the applicable fee to the address at the top of the form. It could take 10 to 14 business days after the request is received before the motor vehicle record is mailed out to the requestor.
  3. You may go into a driver license office with a completed form DR 2559 Permission for Release of Individual Records. A complete legible signature is required on the request. Please specify whether you want a certified or non-certified copy of the driving record. We accept credit cards, cash, checks or money orders for the applicable fee.

Due to the Privacy Laws, an individual cannot receive a copy of someone else's driving record without that person's written permission. If you are an employer or there is a court case pending, you can read over our Driver Record Search Requestor Release form DR 2489 to see if you meet any of the listed criteria to request the record. Criteria include: a government agency; an agency charged with driver/motor vehicle safety or theft; a business that will use the information to verify the accuracy of information submitted by individuals for the purposes of preventing fraud; pursuing legal remedies against or recovering a debt or security interest; an insurer or insurance support agency in connection with claims, investigations, anti-fraud activities, rating or underwriting and more pursuant to 24-72-204 (7) C.R.S.
When requesting another person’s records, be sure to fill out the DR 2478 “Statement of Fact” at the end of the form DR2489 (unless you are in one of the exceptions noted in the form).

A “Letter of Clearance” (also called a “No Match Clearance Letter”) is a document that certifies that the person in question is not under restraint of driving privileges in Colorado, and is not the same person as someone of a similar name who is under restraint."

To request a Letter of Clearance, submit the DR 2275 Request for an Out-of-State No Match/Clearance Letter to include the following:

  • DR 2275 filled out with all appropriate signatures in all appropriate sections 
  • A typed letter with an explanation of the circumstances for which they need a Letter of Clearance. (Indicate whether they have ever been to/a resident of Colorado, etc.) 
  • Last 4 digits of their Social Security Number 
  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Driver License Number (if available)
  • Complete and legible original signature of driver Photocopy of driver photo ID bearing signature (both sides)
  • Return address and contact phone number/email
  • Appropriate fee


Mail to:

Department of Revenue
Driver Control Section
P.O. Box 173345
Denver, CO 80217-3345

Privacy laws prevent us from providing you with a driving record other than your own without that person's permission. If you are requesting a record as an employer or because of a pending court case, you may be permitted to receive the record based upon the criteria of the Driver Record Search Requestor Release form DR 2489 . This form may be printed from our website and submitted with the appropriate fee.

Additional forms which may be helpful include:


Reinstating After Suspension, Revocation, Cancellation, Denial

Identify your eligibility date (communicated at the hearing or via mail) and specific reinstatement requirements. If you are unable to locate this information, call Customer Service at 303-205-5613. The following suspensions and revocations can be reinstated at certain Full Service Driver License offices (requirements are listed below suspensions):

Unpaid Tickets (within CO and out of state).
  • Paid receipt from the court
  • $95.00 reinstatement fee
  • New license and fee required
Child Support
  • Compliance received by DMV from child support agency
  • $95.00 reinstatement fee

Point Suspensions

  • Period of suspension complete
  • Evidence of current liability insurance with your name on the policy
  • $95.00 reinstatement fee


For mail in applications, complete the Application for Reinstatement (Form DR 2870). Mail the completed application, check or money order for $95 and specific requirements (for example: evidence of insurance, SR22, etc.) to the address noted on the application. You must clearly write your name and date of birth on the coupon when paying by money order. Whenever possible, mail this information approximately thirty-sixty days before your eligibility date. This allows us to complete your request in a timely manner. Allow up to twenty business days (after mailing) for us to complete your application before contacting our office. Once we verify that all the necessary information has been received and we have completed processing the application, we will mail a Letter of Clearance to the address you listed on the application.

For more information about reinstatements, points and other violations, see the Reinstatements page


Revocation: A mandatory restraint action on a valid driver license or driving privilege. A revoked license is invalid and cannot be re-issued. After reinstatement of your driving privilege you must re-test (both written and drive) to be issued a new license.
Suspension: A temporary withdrawal of the driving privilege. A suspension is a restraint action but does not void the driver license. A valid license may be re-issued upon reinstatement. A license that has expired, must be renewed upon reinstatement. Point suspensions require a written test at renewal.
Denial: A restraint action when no valid license exists at the time of restraint. Cancellation/Denial: Actions to void a Colorado license and deny the driving privilege. Reinstatement is required and passing of a written and a road test is mandatory.
Cancellation: This action will void a valid Colorado license. A cancellation, by itself, is not a restraint action and does NOT require reinstatement if complied with in a timely manner. Another license/permit may be issued, unless the reason for cancellation is still outstanding.

Out-Of-State Services for Colorado Drivers:

An out-of-state duplicate is a license issued to a person who is currently out-of-state and their license has been lost or stolen. To be eligible for an out-of-state duplicate you must have a valid Colorado driver license, clear national driving record, have no unpaid tickets and pay the required fee. In order to get an out-of-state duplicate you will need to fill out the Reissue Out-of-State Extension form DR 2989.
A friend or relative in Colorado may take your completed form to 1881 Pierce Street in Lakewood, CO and request your out-of-state duplicate. You may also send your completed request to: Division of Motor Vehicles Room 136 Denver, CO 80261-0016 The duplicate license will be sent to the address that you provide on the form. You will need to include a check or money order made payable to the Colorado Department of Revenue.
See the License Extensions page for more information.

Out-Of-State Tickets for Colorado Drivers:

Non-Resident Violator Compact (NRVC) which means the state of Colorado and most of the states in the United States belong to a compact. If you receive a ticket in a state that is not your state of residency and you fail to pay the fine, the state where you received the ticket will notify your home state. Your home state will suspend your driver license until the ticket has been paid.

To clear a Non-Resident Violator Compact (NRVC) Suspension you will need to pay the fine for the ticket to the court. Once the fine is paid, you will need to forward an NRVC compliance statement from the court that issued the NRVC. This can be provided online at mydmv.colorado.gov. Click on Driver/ID Services, and then upload the form using the “View/upload reinstatement documents” link. Additionally, a reinstatement fee needs to be paid—which can be done via the “Pay a reinstatement fee” link on the same page.

Alternatively, you may take a completed Application for Reinstatement (Form DR 2870), NRVC Compliance Statement and reinstatement fee to 1881 Pierce St, Lakewood CO; or mail that information to the address at the top of the form. 



Outstanding Judgment Warrant (OJW):

An Outstanding Judgment Warrant (OJW) is issued when a fee or other requirements are outstanding with the court. OJWs incurred after 12/31/2021 must be paid to the court. DMV does not have access to those records. For OJW's incurred prior to 2022, the OJW is put on your driving record, and may have resulted in the cancellation of driving privileges. Reinstatement can be accomplished by paying the reinstatement fee. This can be paid online at MyDMV. Click on the Driver/ID Services tab and use the link for "Pay a Reinstatement Fee."


Alcohol Hearing Evidence:

All evidence packets submitted to the Department by law enforcement agencies in support of per se/express consent cases are scanned and stored electronically. Once a hearing request is granted, a courtesy copy of the documents is mailed to the party that requested the hearing. There is no charge for this copy. At the hearing, the Hearing Officer reviews the scanned electronic duplicate of these same documents. The paper originals are no longer provided to the Hearings Division.

Two separate processes are involved. When a hearing is requested, Driver Control sends a copy of the documents received (the evidence packet) to the party that submitted the request. In addition, Driver Control notifies the Hearings Division that a hearing has been granted and needs to be scheduled. The scheduling doesn't occur for several weeks. Once Hearings sets the date, a notice indicating the date, time and location (or telephone number) for the hearing will be mailed to the same address. However, this is a separate letter, and will most likely arrive a few weeks after the evidence packet.

There should be no difference. When they are received by the Department, the "original" documents are scanned. The copy (evidence packet) issued to the party that requests the Hearing is a print of the scanned documents. When the hearing is held, the Hearing Officer will be viewing the scanned documents electronically. As a result, no difference should exist between the documents received by the Department, the copy issued to the party requesting the hearing, or the electronic documents used by the Hearing Officer to conduct the hearing.

If you wish to compare the originals on file with the Department to the copies sent to you as a result of a hearing request, you can fax or mail the Original Document Review Form to Driver Control. The Department will contact you within five business days of receipt of the request to schedule the review. Once scheduled, a confirmation of the date and time will be sent by fax, e-mail, or regular mail. The scanned originals can be reviewed only at the DMV office located at 1881 Pierce Street in Lakewood.

The original documents reside with Driver Control, and are not provided to the Hearings Division. If you make your request during the hearing, the Hearing Officer will provide you with a copy of the Original Document Review Form. You can also request a copy via fax by calling 303-205-5792. You will need to contact Driver Control as indicated on the form. The hearing will continue as scheduled, but you will have the opportunity to notify the Hearing Officer if any discrepancies are noted in the comparison. The thirty-day time for appeal of the Hearing Officer's decision is not tolled, so you will want to request the review as quickly as possible.

By statute, Driver Control is the Custodian of Records for the Department of Revenue. As discussed above, the original documents filed by law enforcement agencies in support of per se/express consent cases will be scanned and thereafter stored electronically. The originals will be maintained by Driver Control for ninety days, in part to allow for comparison with copies by Respondents and/or their attorneys. To guarantee the integrity of the originals, a representative of Driver Control will be present when the reviews occur.

Download the DR 2664 Per Se / Express Consent Document Request form. Follow the instructions on the form. At this time no additional fee is being charged, however, it is possible that in the future the Department may be required to charge the statutorily permitted Driving Record fee.

Yes, although, because the documents contain privacy protected information, the Department will need to receive authorization in writing from either you or your attorney before this can occur. Such authorization must indicate the name and date of birth of the third party, and must be signed and dated by you or your attorney. Authorizations from attorneys must be on letterhead. An authorization can be faxed to 303-205-5960 or dropped off at 1881 Pierce Street in Lakewood. You must provide the written authorization to the Department no fewer than two business days before the review is to be completed.

The Hearings Division can be reached by calling 303-205-5606.


Alcohol Classes:

There are circumstances where the court may not order you to take alcohol classes but the state will as a requirement for reinstatement. Colorado statutes require these classes for certain types of revocations. For more information on alcohol classes, download the DR 2840 Level I and Level II Courses Brochure.


SR-22 Insurance:

An SR-22 is a rider to an insurance policy in which the insurance company guarantees that you will keep insurance in effect for a certain period of time. In order to get your license back after having certain suspensions or revocations or to keep from getting your license suspended you may have to file the SR-22. When you purchase liability insurance, the insurance agent can provide the SR-22 form. When the insurance policy with the SR-22 rider is purchased, the form is filed with the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles. The form is not an insurance policy. The form is a guarantee by the insurance company that you will keep the insurance in effect for a certain period. If you don't keep the SR-22 current, the insurance company will notify the Motor Vehicle Division. Once the Motor Vehicle Division has been notified that the SR-22 is no longer in effect, but is still required, Motor Vehicle will suspend your license for that reason alone. If you decide to change insurance companies, you need to get a new SR-22 filed before the old one goes out of effect.


Re-examination of Driving Skills:

There are several reasons that the State may require you to come in and take a re-examination. When you have two accidents on your record within three years of each other, we will ask you to take a re-examination. You may also be asked to take a re-examination if a family member or doctor feels, for medical reasons, you should take a re-examination. A law enforcement officer may also file an incident report requesting that you take a re-examination.

Please visit the Request A Retest page for more information.

Re-examinations cannot be extended unless requested by a doctor. The doctor must provide, on letterhead, the reason for the extension and the length of the extension. If the extension time period is to be longer than two weeks from the original time request then the restraint will go into effect. When the driver is able to take and pass the re-examination on the first attempt, the action will be rescinded.


Probationary Drivers Licenses ("Red License")

A probationary driver license is a license to drive, for limited purposes, usually driving to and from the place of employment or to perform duties in the course of employment, during the term of a license suspension. A driving privilege for Commercial Vehicles is not granted.

A probationary license is usually granted for persons with a points suspension or a child support suspension. All tickets must be paid prior to the issuance of any probationary license. At the time of your hearing you will need to speak to your hearing officer about the issuance of a probationary driver license. If you are under suspension and have not had a hearing you will need to contact the hearing section at 303-205-5606 and request a hearing. If you have a Child Support suspension you may be granted a probationary license. This license will be valid for ninety days and will be for work related purposes. You must bring with you a letter of employment, evidence of insurance, surrender you regular license and pay the fee of $6.00. You may not be under any other current restraint action.

If you are stopped by a law enforcement officer, and you are outside of your restrictions, the officer will confiscate the license for violating the terms of the license. By law a probationary license can also be taken away from someone if they get any ticket while on the probationary license. Once the license is confiscated, or you receive a ticket, the probationary driver license will be cancelled and you will not be able to drive for the duration of your suspension.



See list for a list of the most common revocations requiring an Ignition Interlock. For additional information, call Customer Service at 303 205-5613.

Yes, you must have the Ignition Interlock installed on every vehicle you own, co-own or have access to operate.

After you have confirmed your eligibility to reinstate and that an Ignition Interlock is part of your reinstatement requirements, contact an approved vendor for pricing, locations and what to bring. Once you have selected a vendor, have the Interlock installed and obtain the following:

Note: The Certificate or DRS requirement is determined by the associated BAC or the number of alcohol violations on your record (Multiple offenders or BAC of 0.15, and above requires Level II DRS or Affidavit of Enrollment). When possible, you should provide the complete set of documents together to ensure that your reinstatement is processed in a timely manner. Allow up to twenty business days for your reinstatement to be completed. A letter will be mailed to the address on your application confirming that your reinstatement is complete and that you can contact a Driver License office to schedule your written and drive test in your Ignition Interlock equipped vehicle.

Contact your nearest full service Driver License Office to schedule your written and road test. Please see the Alcohol and Drug Treatment Education brochure (DR 2840).

Contact your nearest full service Driver License Office to purchase an Unrestricted License. You can contact your Interlock provider and request removal of the device after receiving your Unrestricted License.

Once this condition is met, the Department will send confirmation by mail with instructions on receiving your Unrestricted License.