Due to planned maintenance, all Colorado MV Express kiosks will be out of service from 4 to 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 23. 


Personal Identity Fraud

Types of Personal Fraud

Personal Identity (ID) Fraud involves the use of an individual's identifying information to commit crimes. These crimes affects both the individuals whose identity has been stolen and the businesses where the stolen identity has been used to make fraudulent transactions. Additionally, the fake identity used doesn’t necessarily have to be that of someone living, or even real. Some examples of identity fraud include:

  • Fake ID or passport
  • False credit card account
  • False bank account

Personal Identity (ID) Theft is the act of stealing someone's personal information to commit fraud. The identity thief may use your information to apply for credit, file taxes, or get medical services. These acts can damage your credit status, and cost you time and money to restore your good name. It is good practice to keep personal information safe and be careful of sharing, including the following examples:

  • Social Security Number
  • Passwords
  • Credit Card Numbers

Open laptop with hands holding a smartphone and credit card, there is computer code across the background and the words cloning credit information

Identity Theft Fraud Alert

  • Each year, millions of Americans fall victim to scams perpetrated from all over the globe. Although it is difficult to determine exact figures, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates that, last year alone, more than $1.7 billion was lost due to fraudulent activity. While exact figures are not available, it is also estimated fraud losses total in the hundreds of millions of dollars in Colorado alone.
  • Consumer education is the best weapon in the fight against fraud, therefore, being knowledgeable of the tactics used by scammers will greatly reduce your chances of becoming a victim.
  • More fraud prevention information


Fake DMV Website, Fraud Alert - VIDEO

  • Please be aware of fraudulent websites providing DMV services. They could be trying to steal your personal identifying information.
  • Please be aware of websites that are not affiliated with the Colorado DMV but do provide service to consumers.
  • Always use websites that include ".gov" in the URL or are clearly marked as a DMV partner when conducting DMV business.
  • Always look for a disclaimer at the top or bottom of the site that says they are not affiliated with any Government agency.


Prevention Tips Against Personal Fraud

  • Make sure you are on an official state of Colorado Website. The official website of the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles will always contain "colorado.gov" in the title of the URL. If this is not in the title the website is not associated with the Colorado DMV. 
  • Make sure you are visiting an authorized DMV office. A list of locations is available at on the DMV locations webpage. All in-person transactions should take place inside the office.
  • Do not purchase DMV services outside the official DMV website or an authorized DMV office.
  • The only way to reinstate a suspended or revoked driver license is through the official DMV process. For more on this process, please go to www.dmv.colorado.gov/process-reinstate-driving-privilege.
  • If you are about to purchase a service from someone under somewhat unusual or suspicious circumstances always verify the legitimacy with the actual agency. You can do that by reporting info to the DMV hotline‚ (303) 205-2983, sending emails to dor_investigationsunit@state.co.us or looking at our website for more information.
  • For more information about fraud and identity theft, visit www.colorado.gov/cbi/identity-theft-and-mis-identification.