Due to planned maintenance, all Colorado MV Express kiosks will be out of service from 4 to 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 23. 


Forms in Number Order

Important Forms Information

Customers should download the updated form before filling it out to ensure the formatting remains correct. To download or print a PDF version of a form, click on the form name in the table below. This page lists only the most recent version of the DMV form.

If you are experiencing any issues with the PDF forms, please click here to connect to a live agent through our chatbot during normal business hours.


Sorting and searching for forms

We have added tools to allow you to sort our forms by Form Number and Title by clicking on the arrows next to those headers. We have also added a search box that will let you filter the forms by those same criteria.


  • If you search for a form and don’t see it? You may have mistyped the number or name. The search function does not search inside the form so only the official title and number can be searched for.

  • If you don’t see any results? Make sure the search box is empty. This will return an unfiltered list of all results.

  • If you need to search manually? You can change the number of forms displayed by changing the “entries per page dropdown” or go to the next set of results using the arrow buttons at the bottom of the list.




DR 0024Standard Sales Tax Receipt for Vehicle Sales
DR 0024NInstructions for Sales Tax Receipt for Vehicle Sales
DR 0026Tax Statement for Leased Motor Vehicles
DR 0026NInstructions for Tax Statement for Leased Motor Vehicles
DR 0070Statement of Purchase Price of Motor Vehicle
DR 2002Military License Plate Application
DR 2008
DR 2008A
DR 2009Transfer of Title Upon Death Designated Beneficiary Form
DR 2011Dealer Off- Highway Vehicle Purchase Affidavit
DR 2020Exceptions Processing Application
DR 2023Notice of Emissions Non-Compliance
DR 2048
DR 2055
DR 2056Restricted License Affidavit of Non-Ownership
DR 2058
DR 2064Tampering Report Violation of Special License Restriction /Interlock
DR 2083Change of Sex Identification
DR 2085Insurer and Salvage Pool Registration
DR 2090
DR 2091
DR 2093Driver License/Instruction Permit/Identification Card Application for Disability Identifier Symbol
DR 2098
DR 2099
DR 2100
DR 2101SMM 2% Rental Electronic Filing Request For Access
DR 2112SMM Exempt License Plate Application
DR 2113Declaration of Military vehicle For Use In Firefighting Efforts
DR 2116
DR 2153
DR 2159
DR 2170
DR 2171Lender's Request to Purge Manufactured Home
DR 2172CDL Unit 10 Year License Certification
DR 2175
DR 2180Owner's Request to Purge Manufactured Home
DR 2183
DR 2186
DR 2187
DR 2192SMM 2% Registration Exempt and Specific Ownership Tax Authorization Request
DR 2194
DR 2204
DR 2212AColorado Road and Community Safety Act (CO-RCSA) Affidavit
DR 2212BColorado Road and Community Safety Act (CO-RCSA) Affidavit (For Applicants Under Age 18)
DR 2215Voluntary Disability Disclosure to a Peace Officer
DR 2218Business Entity Permanent Disability Placard Application
DR 2219
DR 2222
DR 2224
DR 2225
DR 2228
DR 2232
DR 2239
DR 2251Commercial Driver License Manual
DR 2275Request for an Out-of-State No Match/Clearance Letter
DR 2283
DR 2285
DR 2300AIdentification requirements for U.S. citizens and permanent residents
DR 2300BTemporarily Legal Residents Identification Checklist
DR 2300CUndocumented Residents Identification Checklist
DR 2303Non-Use of Vehicle or Out of State Insurance Affidavit
DR 2308
DR 2314
DR 2316
DR 2324
DR 2330Driver License Renewal Application for Applicants, 80 or Older
DR 2334
DR 2342Request for an Extension of Driver License
DR 2374
DR 2375
DR 2376
DR 2388
DR 2393
DR 2394
DR 2395
Application for Title and/or Registration
DR 2396Lost in Transit Affidavit
DR 2401Confidential Medical Examination Report
DR 2402Confidential Eye Examination Report
DR 2408
DR 2409
DR 2410
DR 2413Application For Change of Vehicle Information (IRP)
DR 2415
DR 2416
DR 2420Statement for issuance of title
DR 2421
DR 2424
DR 2426Assigned Vehicle Identification Number Declaration of Facts
DR 2428Fleet Owner Request For Participation In The Colorado Fleet Registration Program (CFRP)
DR 2438
DR 2444
DR 2445
DR 2460
DR 2461Request for Investigation
DR 2462
DR 2463
DR 2464
DR 2468Late Fee Review and Refund Request
DR 2469Exceptions Processing (EP) Document List
DR 2476Diesel Self-Certification Vehicle Application For an Affidavit of Emission Extension
DR 2478
DR 2481Legislator License Plate Application
DR 2489
DR 2489AMotor Vehicle Requestor Release Affidavit of Intended Use
DR 2490
DR 2497Persons With Disabilities Personalized License Plates Application
DR 2498Optometrist/Ophthalmologist Statement for Individuals 80 Years of Age or Older Renewing Electronically
DR 2503
DR 2504
DR 2505
DR 2517Law Enforcement Agency Data Sharing Agreement
DR 2521Depot License Plate Application
DR 2538Medical Hardship Late Fee Exemption Affidavit
DR 2539
Motor Vehicle Request And Receipt
DR 2539A
DR 2542
DR 2559
DR 2567
DR 2579
DR 2586
DR 2593
DR 2598
DR 2643
DR 2664
DR 2667
DR 2670
DR 2671
DR 2680
DR 2686
DR 2689
DR 2696
DR 2697Certificate of Equipment Compliance for Homemade and In Lieu of Bond Trailers
DR 2698
DR 2701
DR 2704
Colorado Certified VIN Inspection (supplied by Certified VIN Inspector upon inspection)
DR 2709
DR 2710
Branded Title Disclosure
DR 2711
DR 2712
DR 2717
DR 2742Application for Military CDL Skills Test Waiver - Vets-2-Trucks Program
DR 2746Driver License Renewal by Mail and Voter Registration - 79 Years Old and Under
DR 2773
DR 2774
DR 2810
DR 2812Historical Background Conversion Application
DR 2813
DR 2816
DR 2818
DR 2839Collector's Item Affidavit
DR 2840Alcohol and Drug Treatment and Education Brochure
DR 2841
DR 2842
DR 2843Colorado Electronic Lien and Title Lender Application
DR 2853Gross Vehicle Weight Declaration
DR 2870
DR 2904
DR 2905
DR 2907
DR 2908In Lieu of Bond For Trailers 2000 Pounds or Less Checklist
DR 2909Inoperable Collector's Item Registration
DR 2910Inoperable Vehicle Declaration
DR 2922
DR 2926
DR 2927
DR 2989
Request for a Duplicate Instruction Permit/Driver License
DR 4678Request for Waiver -- Restrictions on Public Benefits
DR 5714
Request for Copy of Tax Returns
DR 7025
DR 7553




DR 2020SPSolicitud de procesamiento de excepciones
DR 2048SPResidente fuera del estado nivel I o nivel II que necesita restablecer sus privilegios de conducir
DR 2056SPDeclaración jurada de licencia restringida de no propietario
DR 2058SPDeclaración jurada de acuerdo de bloqueo de arranque por licencia restringida
DR 2153SPDeclaración jurada de robo de licencia de conducir o de identificación de Colorado
DR 2186SPLista de verificación: Título de reconstructores a título regular
DR 2187SPLista de verificación: Título de automóvil reconstruido
DR 2212ASDeclaración jurada de la Ley de seguridad en carreteras y comunidades de Colorado (CO-RCSA)
DR 2212BSDeclaración jurada de la Ley de seguridad en carreteras y comunidades de Colorado (CO-RCSA) (para aplicantes menores de 18 años de edad)
DR 2300ASCiudadanos y Residentes Permanentes de EE. UU Lista de Verificación de Identificación
DR 2300BSResidentes Temporalmente Legales Lista de Verificación de Identificación
DR 2300CSResidentes Indocumentados Lista de Verificación de Identificación
DR 2314SPDeclaración jurada de responsabilidad financiera
DR 2415SPLista de verificación: Título de automóvil reconstruido establecido por título de salvamento
DR 2460SPDeclaración de Responsabilidad y Tutela
DR 2462SPLista de Verificación - En lugar de fianza para vehículos motorizados de 25 años o más
DR 2463SPLista de Verificación - En Lugar de Fianza Para Casas Prefabricadas de 25 Años o Más
DR 2469SProcesamiento de Excepciones
DR 2542SPLista de verificación de titulación de vehículos abandonados en talleres de reparación
DR 2559SPPermiso para dar a conocer registros de conductor para uno mismo u otra persona
DR 2598SPCertificado (en letra de molde)
DR 2709SPLista de verificación del número asignado de identificación del vehículo de Colorado
DR 2711SPLista de verificación: Título o título residual establecido por el gravamen de almacenamiento
DR 2742SPSolicitud de exención para militares de prueba de habilidades CDL
DR 2774SPLista de verificación: Requisitos de remolque de la agencia de orden público en una propiedad pública
DR 2816SPBeneficios de estacionamiento para personas con discapacidad
DR 2841SPIdentificación segura y verificable
DR 2908SPLista de verificación: En lugar de bonos para remolques de 2000 libras o menos
DR 2922SPTítulo de propiedad o de salvamento establecido por un contrato de fianza

Title Secure Forms

Secure forms can be purchased through the following vendors:

These forms include:

Secure Title Forms
Secure Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale
DR 2173
Secure Power of Attorney for Motor Vehicle
DR 2174
Secured Dealer Bill of Sale
DR 2407